Monday, 30 April 2012

Home remedy for tooth ache

Are you tired of trying all remedies for tooth ache. Try these , they will work best.

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  • First try a pressure point remedy by rubbing an ice cube into the V-shaped area where the bones of the thumb and forefinger meet on one hand for 5 to 7 minutes.

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  • A clove of garlic with a little of rock salt, placed on the affected tooth will relieve the pain. Alternatively you can chew a garlic clove daily in the morning.

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  • A good home remedy for toothache is to Place 2 - 3 drops of vanilla extract on the tooth that is aching this will provide instant pain relief.

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  • Apply a dab of “Vicks vapor rub” on the side of the face where the pain is. Place a paper towel on top and lay down in bed. The heat from the vicks absorbs into the skin and brings you toothache relief.

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  • Cut off a piece of potato and put on your sore tooth for about 15 minutes.

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  • A hot tea bag pressed to the tooth will provide almost instant relief.

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  • The juice of wheat grass is an excellent mouthwash for dental decay and cures toothache. It draws out toxins from the gums and checks bacterial growth.

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  • Asafoetida grounded in lemon juice cures dental ache. Heat the solution, soak a cotton swab and place it in the cavity of the tooth to relieve pain quickly.

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  • Clove oil or oil of cloves is a mild anesthetic and applied to the cavity of the decayed tooth provides instant pain relief from the toothache. Oil of oregano on the paining tooth is also nearly as effective.

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  • Chewing leaves of the guava tree (if you have a backyard guava tree) will provide some relief from tooth pain.

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  • A pinch of pepper and ¼ tsp of common salt prevents dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the gums, painful gums, and toothaches.

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  • A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put on the cavities to alleviate the toothache.

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  • Gargle a glassful of water mixed with 1 tsp of salt after each meal and at bedtime.

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  • Chewing raw onion for approx 3 minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth and ensure protection from host of tooth disorders.

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  • Lime prevents decay, loosening of the teeth, dental cavities, toothache and bleeding of the gums.

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Home remedy for nose bleeding

Bleeding of nose is such a common phenomena during summer in children as well as in adults.

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Let me give you some very useful tips to stop nose bleeding.

  • Calmly sit down in an upright position, not back in the chair. This will help to keep blood from going down the back of your throat. Breathe through your mouth.

  • Lemon Juice: You can put few drops of lemon juice in your nostrils. Experts suggest that lemon is a good antiseptic that can promote coagulation of blood, thereby treating bleeding of nose.

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  • Salt Water Treatment: If nose bleeding is due to dryness of the membranous lining of the nose, salt water can be an effective treatment. You can add a pinch of salt in water and spray it in your nose. It is suggested that the anticoagulant property and dehumidifying effect (reduce nasal dryness) of salt water can stop nose bleeding.

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  • Amla Juice (Indian Gooseberry): Experts recommend juice of amla as an effective treatment for nose bleeding. You can insert few drops of freshly prepared amla juice as nasal drops. Amla juice contains vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant that can repair cellular damage, thereby treating nose bleeding. Vitamin C is also suggested to reduce duration and severity of cold, leading to stoppage of bleeding.

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  • Apple Cider Vinegar: It is recommended that apple cider vinegar can be useful in stopping bleeding of nose. For this, you can dip a cotton ball in vinegar and lightly place it into your nostril. You can also take 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink this 3 times daily. Vinegar will help blood to thicken and thus stop nasal bleeding.

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  • Wet Towel Treatment: It is suggested that wet towel treatment can be effective in treating nose bleeding. You can put wet towel on your head. This will humidify the membranous lining of the nose and prevent bleeding of nose.

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  • Nose Pinching: To stop nose bleeding you can gently squeeze your nose on the bridge just below the bones. While doing this, lean forward and try to avoid tilting your head as this can make the blood go down your throat! Keep on pinching for 3-5 minutes without interruption, and while doing this, avoid blowing your nose.

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Sunday, 29 April 2012


A sore throat burns, feels scratchy and may cause pain that makes it hard to talk or swallow. The usual cause is a virus or bacteria, though throat irritation may also be caused by smoking, dry heat, postnasal drip or an allergic reaction. Try these sore throat remedies you would surely feel relieved.

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  • Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke is extremely irritating to the lining of the throat.Breathe through your nose, rather than your mouth. It’s a natural way to humidify the air you breathe.

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  • For fast and effective sore-throat relief, nothing beats an old-fashioned saltwater gargle. Salt acts as a mild antiseptic, and also draws water out of mucous membranes in the throat, which helps to clear phlegm. Dissolve a half-teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water, gargle and spit out. Repeat up to four times a day.

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  • Squeeze half lemon in a glass of hot water and add 2 teaspoons of honey and have it twice daily. You will surely see the effect.

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  • Alternatively, gargle with a baking-soda solution. Dissolve one-half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

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  • Add several teaspoons of honey to 1 cup of hot water or herbal tea.

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  • Garlic, as another aid to fight off infection. Dried garlic has potent antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

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  • Horehound reduces the swelling of inflamed throat tissue. It also thins mucus, which makes it easier for you to clear it from your throat. To make the tea, steep 2 teaspoons chopped herb in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes; strain and drink.

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Saturday, 28 April 2012

Home Remedies For Diarrhea

Diarrhea is the condition where the stools are passed very loose and the frequency of bowel movements also increases. The alterations in any one of them mentioned above differ individually at various different times. The changes in the bowel movements and also in the loose stools occur simultaneously in diarrhea.

  • Buttermilk:

The buttermilk taken along with a little bit of salt can bring relief to diarrhea.As buttermilk will help in fighting against the intestinal flora that is harmful. The acid that is present in the “buttermilk” will battle against the bacteria and germs.

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  • Turmeric:

The turmeric fresh rhizome juice can be taken in one teaspoon and mixed with one cup of buttermilk or water. The turmeric can also be added in the form of powder into the buttermilk and taken.

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  • The water can be boiled and then cooled. This water can be added with three teaspoons of black pepper, one and a half teaspoon of kelp and two cups of water. This acts as a very good natural treatment method for diarrhea.

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  • The cumin and fenugreek seeds can be taken each in half teaspoon. These two are powdered and mixed with the four teaspoons of curd. This mixture can be taken for three times per day which can bring much relief.

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  • Red radishes are made to small pieces and added with one cup of milk and half teaspoon of corn starch. This is a very effective home remedy for diarrhea which can stop the loose stools in one hour duration. This mixture can be taken repeatedly for every four hours.

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  • The white colored cumin seeds and fennel seeds have to be roasted nicely and taken as three grams once in every three to four hours period along with water.

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  • Amaranth seeds can be added to water and boiled for 15 to 20 mints. This solution can be taken out from heating and added with amaranth leaves and kept like that for half an hour. Drinking two cups of this tea daily can bring relief to diarrhea.

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Home remedy for cough and congestion

Oh, I know may of us suffer from cough mostly due to climatic changes. Here's some tips for you guys to get out of this torture i.e., cough, I know many of us would have lost out sleep due to this.

  • Take a teaspoon, put a big drop of honey and squeeze some lime so that fills the rest of the teaspoon and have it.

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  • Prepare red tea and add black pepper and pure honey in it and sip it hot.

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  • Add one teaspoon of turmeric powered(which you use for cooking) and some powdered black pepper into a cup of milk , boil and drink it.(guys, it works awesome, it’s my mom’s home remedy)

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  • Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon of cinnamon powder in half glass of warm water. Drink it.

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  • Warm a glass of orange juice and add 2 teaspoon of honey in it and drink it hot.


  • Add some honey to a cup of hot milk. (actually its an old tale that dairy thickens mucous,there is no proof for it)

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