Friday, 27 April 2012

Home Remedy For Piles

There are various home remedy for Piles depending on the type of degree of piles your are suffering from.Let me give you some of the tips. 

  • Use Olive Oil in the affected area, They work great.

  • Drink plenty of Coconut water or cook with coconut oil , both work efficiently as coconut consists of anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Take 1 tbsp black cumin seeds (shah jeera), roast and mix with 1 tbsp of unroasted black cumin seeds and powder both 
    together. Take 1/2 a tsp with a glass of water once a day.

  • Boil 1 ripe banana in 1 cup of milk, mash well. Take 3-4 times a day.

  • Radish juice taken in the morning and night. Start with 1/4 a cup and increase to 1/2 a cup gradually over a period of 1 month.

  • Drink a glass of buttermilk with 1/4 tsp carom seed powder (ajwain) and a pinch of salt
  • Crush bitter gourd leaves and extract the juice. Mix 3 tsp in 1 glass of buttermilk, and drink on an empty stomach every morning, for a month.

  • Wash 3-4 figs. Soak in a glass of water over night. Eat them first thing in the morning. Again repeat in the night.


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